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lady vivi ★ • 1 year ago

Classic Oni-Father.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Classic case of girl turning from country bumpkin to city folk when moving... XD

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

I love how Dad looks like an oni.
Also, having spent a week at overnight summer camp a couple summers, cicadas in the woods couldn't be more true. Teko teko teko. XD

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

Cicadas indeed, heck I live in the country and we have Katydids, Giant Locusts, Big Black Field Crickets, Camel Crickets, and a number of other "insect musicians" most all year around, not to mention TONS and TONS of multiple species of frogs that get so loud on summer nights (like this time of year) they drown out your ability to hear anything else. And yes, they do come in the house quite often.....anywho, yep, Cicadas are really cool little guys but it's the quiet things that you have to watch out for....

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

Teko teko teko :D

Damn Kodama really took after her mom

Cado • 1 year ago

I have martens in my attic. Have no idea how those fuckers even get there. Can confirm - they can be pretty loud.

Amano erika. • 1 year ago

Well, that explains why she looks super derpy.

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 1 year ago

hmmm Why does she looks so human? :o

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Human genetics

Wait, I thought that green thing was a tiny hat...that is a part of her physical body?

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

Yup, because she's a Kappa!


xCellarxDoorx • 1 year ago

D'awweee, we finally got some background history on the weird Kodama-chan and her weird Family! 😅

Os • 1 year ago

Endless bugs in a village house I've seen a many lol

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

lol, there are so many bugs in my house that I have to look where I step when I'm in my basement or I end up stepping on giant black Millipedes that crunch underfoot, or keep an eye out for frogs under chairs in our livingroom or sunroom, or ants trying to make nests in the underside of our electric teakettle....or wasps building nests in out sliding door frames.....helpful tip....a mixture of dish soap, water, and peppermint oil in a spray both can be sprayed across entrances and window frames etc... to keep ants out for a few weeks because it breaks their scent trail and repels them.

Os • 1 year ago

I understand your pain, dang warm weather just brings in all the bugs.
Mosquitoes, lizards, frogs in the fishpond, those really tiny ants that can go through basically any opening and crack, cochroaches and of course the millipedes.
Visiting relatives can be fun especially with the open roofs, or metal venting that you open and close when it rains.
Back at home though its stable, built the defenses mosquito nets for windows, door seals, and the bug zapper and its glowing blue lights that zap the intruders that dare to enter when the door is open. Peppermint definitely smells better than vinegar though.

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

Ha! I feel you! It sounds like you get to enjoy all the "fun" of never being alone during the summer, even when you're in the room by yourself.

Heck, I recall trying to sleep one night and hearing the ODDEST sound coming from the corner of my room....after 30 minutes of searching I discovered a paper bag behind a dresser that had a large moth stuck in it which was furiously flapping trying to get free! XD

Or laying down to sleep just to see big ol wolf spiders (and other kinds) crawling across my ceiling (which is something like 18 feet high where I sleep) and having to get a jar and a stick to poke them and make them drop so I could catch them and take them outside before I could finally settle down and sleep without wondering if they would be wanting to share my blankets! XD The point being that yep, ever level of our house has it's own "locals".

Vinegar you say? Intriguing, tell me more. That is I'm curious how you make use of it?

Spray it to break a scent trail? We have a compost toilet, so we also have to set out "vinegar traps" for flies and fruit flies, fungus gnats etc... but I'm unfamiliar with other deterrent uses and always like to add to my repertoire. :D

Os • 1 year ago

Right, and even if it isn't the bugs inside. It's the cicadas outside or this one time it was these frogs croaking all night long and the sound going through the walls. <mexcian treefrog=""> I thought cicadas were bad till I heard them calling
Moths man those are also fun, usually the quiet type as long as their is a light nearby haha but ya that would freak me out too.

Spiders always had me nervous myself since I remembered some sort of urban legend that you eat 8 spiders a year when you sleep and I worried that the tiny spiders were buggers that wanted to get in the humid mouth so always slept a bit elevated lol. That said if they crawled down from the ceiling using a web ... ya that would not help could put a cover over self still would join you on the stick mission and toss em out. Still do that if I see a spider around cup it, then flip cup go out and toss.

For vinegar its a bit strong smelling however it annhilates all scent trails and repels ants who hate that smell, its a bit acidic however that can be beneficial as it makes an amazingly good cleaning tool so it acts as a double whammy. Windows showers, pots and pans the kitchen sink it really does a good job even the shower head if you leave it overnight.

For a composting toilet you can use vinegar to get rid of the urine smell

What if my Urine tank smells? Don’t eat asparagus! If it smells like Urine when the liquid tank is connected to the toilet you should check that the fan is working because it shouldn’t smell. Put 2 tablespoons of raw sugar in the urine tank for smell, you can also try leaving a cup of vinegar in the tank after dumping. We’ve also heard of people using grape pop to reduce the smell, and some people swear by a product called Bio-Kleen…we have yet to try these 2 methods. Honestly I haven’t found the perfect solution to reduce urine smell upon dumping.

How do I clean off the buildup of Urine on the liquid tank? Dump urine, put 3 inches of Vinegar into Urine Tank, place 1 inch of rocks in the tank and shake. Let it set for a bit and shake some more. Any caked on urine will eventually come off.

How do I clean the Toilet after use? Spritz Water/Vinegar Mixture after going #1. If necessary wipe the bowl with a piece of Toilet paper after going #1 or #2. For us, any extra clean-up after using the toilet is rarely necessary, and no it’s not because I have good aim, it’s just the way the toilet is designed.

gonewiththewynns has a guide on it if your interested

Can also look on youtube under Composting Toilets: Tips, Tricks and Solving Problems

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

Hi Os, While I appreciate your toilet tips in regards to compost toilets and vinegar, I am sorry to say that our compost toilet is actually part of our house, I.E. it was built as part of the house many many many years ago. It's actually a massive construction with an enormous tank in our basement. One so large that when empty 6 people could easily stand up and move around inside it. I mean it's really large it easily can hold over a ton of "waste material" the whole thing is a living eco system...I could tell you stories about what's living in those depths. XD

BUT on the plus side it does have it's own fan system and other attachments so as long as you keep it maintained, you don't have to worry about smells unless the power goes out.

That being said, your vinegar tricks for breaking scent trails of insects is helpful. You're right about cleaning, white vinegar is an excellent cleaner, it works great on limescale, fungus, molds, and host of other household jobs.
Apple cider vinegar works much better for making fly traps though, so use it instead of white/distilled vinegar.

As for spiders, no need to sleep with your head elevated if you don't want to, they will generally avoid you if possible so you really don't need to worry much, however, can climb any incline or surface, so you may as well sleep comfortably situated. ;)

NitenDoraku • 1 year ago


WinterHymn • 1 year ago

yang baca novel, bener apa kaga pendapat gw? Atau nanti mereka ber-4 dibunuh?

Mardyth • 1 year ago

Me too, I wanna see Radelk in minimum clothing hehehe

arya wiramanda • 1 year ago

Oh, you actually read this chapter? I didn't.

MorEven • 1 year ago

ohohoho. so they're reincarnated as well

Ceryxis • 1 year ago


the one true cat king • 1 year ago

Cliffhanger, dimulai dri 3 tahun lalu semenjak kenal ni komik gara2 kawan post di sw dan sekarang sampe tamat. Berkesan.

Northsee • 1 year ago

I guess the mother chose an oni because any man wasn't suitable enough

Guest • 1 year ago
tbschen • 1 year ago

stfu bot!

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